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Admin Management

Form Builder

A Simple Form Builder for All Users

Whether you need to create a quick form for a waiver or obtain registration information and collect a fee, TuitionEP’s form builder module can help you get the job done. It’s simple and efficient for customers, clients, families, subscribers, and attendees alike. Our form builder is made for power users, with the flexibility for those just wanting to get the job done. 
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Form Builder Features

Long and Short Forms Alike

From cloud-based, 15-page documents with signatures, checkboxes, and payment options, to quick photo release forms for an event, creating any size form is a breeze.

Forms with Conditional Logic

Customize what your audiences see by creating different options with custom messaging. TuitionEP makes this process easy and intuitive for your users.

Using Artificial Intelligence

With baked in machine learning to simplify data entry, your users don’t have to worry about reentering information. The system learns and improves with each new submission.

Explore TuitionEP’s Form Builder Fields

Form builders are nothing without powerful fields. By empowering our clients with the best in class fields you have the ability to customize your fields to fit any scenario for your organization. The following are the fields we currently offer with more to come! 

Text Editor

Although basic, this field is powered by WYSIWYG editing, styling, and image embeds.

Text Input

Want your users to enter content in your forms? Text input empowers a limitless potential for your forms.

Student Information

This field is ideal for schools, universities, training centers, and any other student-driven organization that would have a parent or guardian responsible for payments.


Single or multiple, radial or checkbox, choices allow you to create diverse and impactful forms that gather quantifiable data from your users. Create conditionals set by the options your users choose.

Parent Information

These are the guarantors for student fees, and this field boasts the flexibility to add multiple parents or guardians per student.

Payment Form

Drop a payment field and choose from any fee you have to set to collect. No need to take users off your site to a totally different portal or dashboard.

Parent Signature or Initials

With a digital signature field, you don’t have to worry about printing forms. Securely store digitally signed documents in the cloud for future access.

Document Upload

Users can upload JPG, PNG or PDFs from desktop or laptop computers.
A number of parents have contacted us already in the process and let us know they are ecstatic for the opportunities that TuitionEP provides for them… The convenience has been delightful.
Keith Paddock
School Administrator // Engleside Christian School

Form Builder FAQs

Yes. Forms can be attached to the record based on email address. In some cases if you'd simply prefer not having it attached you can omit the email field and it will not attach to the record. This can be useful for information gathering.

Yes. There are two different ways to do this. The first way is adding an upload field to a form. This is probably easiest, but in some cases if the user does not upload, or if something needs to be attached to a student record, you can manually upload a document to a users record.

Yes. Forms can be set to any of the following categories: Boarding, Childcare, field Trip, Withdrawal, Rental, Application, Meals, Registration, Sports, Other.

Yes. Whether it’s just one form or all your forms, you can choose to download entries.

Yes. Each form can have its own deadline.

Yes. Form builder can send a notification upon completion of each form entry.

Yes. TEP does not limit the amount of forms created and used by your users.

Yes. Any form can be saved as a template for future use or repeated use.

Yes. A simple toggle allows for forms to be turned off if no longer needed.

Yes. If you are not done and still want to work on a form, we suggest saving as a draft.

Yes. All forms have a preview option to ensure everything looks correct before publishing.

This is in the pipeline to have an embed feature in 2023.

Yes. This is where the power of using TEP’s form builder really shines. As you work with your users, you can quickly attach a link to a form to any notification for instant feedback or input.


Demo Form Builder with TuitionEP

TuitionEP is available to respond to your inquiries whether you’re a teacher, administrator, company owner, nonprofit executive, parent, or student.
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